mercoledì, novembre 08, 2006

never trust the sun

This morning when I woke up the sun was shining. It was brilliant. I began to feel bad for all the negative thoughts I had recently been having about Eugene.

More importantly, I put on cute shoes.

Oh, if only I had known.

After an exciting morning signing papers and getting fingerprinted (for my teaching, yes, teaching! In a classroom at a school! Granted it's with potentially at-risk middle schoolers who might stab me... but still, teaching-yay!) I went to kill time at Barnes & Noble* and when I re-emerged, the sun had completely disappeared! And once again it was raining. And my adorable shoes were getting soaked.


Later, my day got even more exciting as I went to the county courthouse to get fingerprinted for my other job (seriously, what is with employers in Oregon? Do I not look trustworthy enough to deal with your mentally disabled and/or children?) only to arrive in the middle of a fire drill. I got to stand outside in the cold (but thankfully not rainy at the moment) with all the other county employees for a while before a mass herding began back into the building. After wandering the many (and confusing) halls, I finally found where I was supposed to go and was once again recorded in the state of Oregon. When I left the building, it was raining again.

My poor shoes.

*B&N was playing the latest Decemberists album, which if anyone wanted to purchase for me, they are as always, more than welcome.

2 commenti:

Jason ha detto...

So you're in Oregon and you're going to be teaching! Way to go and congrats! Hope everything is going well.

Jason ha detto...

Let me know what you're exactly up to - teaching/non-profit/?