It's official, my computer is plotting my demise. I think it got used to the light attention it received over the summer, and then when I kicked it into high gear with the oh-so-joyful paper writing it decided that enough was enough. (I think its still mad about the whole coffee spillage/new keyboard) incident. But its been seriosuly lashing out at me lately. Freezing during important sentences, deciding to take a break right in the middle of converstaion with friends, and this is the worst-completely shutting down in the middle of a blog (which for me and my sporadic writing, actually does kinda suck). I'm not sure what the deal is, or how I can make it up to my crazy computer. Hence the reason I'm writing this at work (and well, the fact that I'm a bad employee). Sigh. This is why I like books. Books can't die on you (unless you count burning, or getting obscenely wet, or losing them on a bus... ) well, anyway-they're still safer than computers. And I should know, because my life can be measured by the amount of pages I read in a day... on an utterlay random note. Also while at work today, I looked at the Saks Fifth Avenue Holiday Catalogue (because lets face it, its not like I'm going to actually work or anything) and I came across a fur coat for dogs. Is it just me or is that a little excessive, not too mention redundant? How many coats of fur does a dog need to be sufficient? I'm almost certain that people can find better things to spend their money on... like buying me a new computer...
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