lunedì, ottobre 03, 2005

Word diarrhea

There's so much to say, and so little ability to get it all out in any sort of cohesive/readable fashion. Bear with me. Please?
So let me start off by saying that I'm currently listening to Kid A (if you don't know by who (whom?), I'm not telling, go look it up, or better yet, just buy the album and listen to its goodness), and I've completely forgotten just how excellent it is. Of course its also making me think about when I got the album and remember all sorts of things. Interesting. Some songs can just put you back in an exact place and time.
But I was talking about the present place and time (wasn't I? Lately I haven't been too sure of my dates and times, or where I am). Currently, I should be finishing up typing my notes for the research project I've been working off and on for, but there's only so much one can type about the flood of 1862 and the drought of 1865. Yes, it truly is thrilling work. But hey, I'm getting paid for it, so I really can't complain. The other job however (working at the School of Theology, a place rife with hooligans and crime), has been interesting as of late. Last week, we held our annual Science and Theology conference; this year's topic was "Quantum Physics, Process Philosophy and Matter's of Religion." I couldn't even begin to explain the connections, but it was really interesting (the parts-and they were few- that I understood). The best of the entire conference came from one of the panelists, who when he wasn't quantifying physics or something, moonlighted as He-Man. In hot pants. Just imagine He-Man, with gray hair and short shorts. That's what I got to see all weekend. Yes, I know, my mind has problems sometimes, but still it was pretty awesome. It was also a good thing I was in the back. Oh, and another panelist gave me some helpful hints on how to get ahead within my field (I don't want to give anything away, but if you hear that I "discovered" some new, yet shocking historical documents questioning the heterosexuality of Benjamin Franklin, forget you ever read this post, okay?)...
So that was my weekend. Other exciting events? I joined a gym. Yes, that's right, a gym. Its a first for me, as I'm usually pretty against all things corporate. But I've been wanting to take some yoga classes (another first for me, I am now a yoga person), and this gym offers some good ones. So yes, I am now one of "those people." So far, its been really good for my back, so I'm happy.
This weekend, I also saw a play on campus, "The Waltz of the Toreadors," (which was really fun. It was an absurd farce- personally my favorite kind of farce) and visited the classier hotspots of Pomona; the (ironically named) HighBrow, which is anything but, and everyone's favorite Friar Tucks (the place of knivery and good times). While I realized that once again, I completely suck at pool, it was a pretty fun time. I got to hang out with some good friends, meet some new interesting people, and have some questionable discusions. Let just say, grad students + beer = conversations one would never hear in a classroom. Of course, I also stayed out way too late, which made my productivity level, er, not so good. But what can you do?
I think there were other random thoughts buzzing around in my head, but that's all I can type for now. Sorry for the lack of structure/coherence, I'll be better next time, okay?

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