It's official, my computer is plotting my demise. I think it got used to the light attention it received over the summer, and then when I kicked it into high gear with the oh-so-joyful paper writing it decided that enough was enough. (I think its still mad about the whole coffee spillage/new keyboard) incident. But its been seriosuly lashing out at me lately. Freezing during important sentences, deciding to take a break right in the middle of converstaion with friends, and this is the worst-completely shutting down in the middle of a blog (which for me and my sporadic writing, actually does kinda suck). I'm not sure what the deal is, or how I can make it up to my crazy computer. Hence the reason I'm writing this at work (and well, the fact that I'm a bad employee). Sigh. This is why I like books. Books can't die on you (unless you count burning, or getting obscenely wet, or losing them on a bus... ) well, anyway-they're still safer than computers. And I should know, because my life can be measured by the amount of pages I read in a day... on an utterlay random note. Also while at work today, I looked at the Saks Fifth Avenue Holiday Catalogue (because lets face it, its not like I'm going to actually work or anything) and I came across a fur coat for dogs. Is it just me or is that a little excessive, not too mention redundant? How many coats of fur does a dog need to be sufficient? I'm almost certain that people can find better things to spend their money on... like buying me a new computer...
martedì, novembre 23, 2004
mercoledì, novembre 10, 2004
elderly thoughts
So I always thought I had an old soul- I like going to museums, reading good books, listening to Classical music, etc etc... and I've always joked about wanting a walker/wheel chair for my 30th birthday. But things have gone too far. Today, I went to work, which was fine- spent some time typing, some time (okay a lot more time) playing on the internet, then I went to lunch. Got back from lunch (mmm togos!), and began to help my boss unpack shoes- ahh the glorious life of an office assistant at a chinese shoe company- and then it happened. My back totally spasmed. And not just "oh, I have a back spasm" spasm; more like an "oh sweet moses! I can't move my back hurts to damn much!" spasm. And this pain has stayed with me all day. Everytime I move, bend over, turn, breathe, my back hurts. It hurts right now in fact. Which begs the question, what the hell is wrong with my person? Literally, if its not my knees, its my hips, and now if its not my hips, its my back. What's next, my gallbladder? Is that even how you spell gallbladder? I just don't know. Maybe a good nights sleep and some ensure will make things better....
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